If you don't find the form or report you are looking for, please give us a call or stop by and visit us. We will gladly provide you with the information you need.
The form for new service can be found under the "Customer Service" tab, listed under "New Service". A copy of the deed proving ownership is required before we can change any service.
The Alternate Billing Agreement is to be signed by the owner so that the person living in the home can get the bill sent directly to them. This form is mainly used for rental property. The name, address for billing, and current phone number should be included.
Authorization to bill a credit or debit card. If you would like your payment to be deducted from the card monthly, you will need to sign the bottom of the form giving us authorization to take your regular payment out around the 10th of each month.
Service Discontinuance. If you are the OWNER of the property, you will need to sign this form so that we can shut the service off on a specified date. Please provide us with a current phone number for any additional information we may need.
Transfer of Membership. This form is used when property with an exsisting meter is sold. If the previous owner would like to simply transfer the membership to the new owner, both will need to sign this form. By transferrring an existing membership, the new owner does not have to pay the current cost of $100.00 for a new membership.
Cancellation of Alternate Billling Agreement: If you are the property owner and wish to cancel billing to anyone other that yourself, this form will need to be signed and returned to Hardin Water.
Fire Dept. Donation Form: If you would like to make a monthly donation of $2.00 to the Hardin Volunteer Fire Department, this form must be completed and returned to Hardin Water. The $2.00 will then be included in your bill each month.